Monday, March 11, 2013

March Lunch Meeting

REMINDER: Our next SCUPA lunch meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 14, 2013, beginning at 12:30 p.m., at the Poinsett Club, 807 East Washington Street, Greenville.  Please RSVP to Sarah Garst (, with your menu choice, by Noon today, Monday, March 11, 2013.  

Our speaker is Ms. Malinda McAleer Pennington, Esquire and her presentation is entitled “Virtualization: An advancing business paradigm that improves business efficiency and employee satisfaction.”

With today’s growing technology, small and large firms alike are becoming more virtual.  Paralegals and attorneys all over the country are leaving their suits hanging in their closets and working in pajamas at their own kitchen tables.   Is this really what a virtualized law firm or virtualized employee looks like?  Ms. Malinda McAleer Pennington will give an in depth look at what it takes to virtualize some or all aspects of a law firm.  She’ll show how a firm can drastically cut overhead while still maintaining an extremely professional appearance to its clients.  In short, she’ll show us how to have our cake and eat it too.

The menu choices are as follows:

1.       Southern fried chicken (Need I say more?)
2.       The Original Cobb Salad (Iceberg lettuce topped with grilled chicken, tomatoes, avocado, bacon, hard-boiled egg and blue cheese and served with the Brown Derby’s red wine vinaigrette)
3.       Grilled Mediterranean vegetable sandwich (Seasonal vegetables, marinated and grilled, and served with Manchego cheese and a creamy herb spread on ciabatta bread)
The cost for members is $15, student members are $13.50 and non-members are $20.  Please remember that if you respond and are unable to attend, you are still responsible for your payment, as SCUPA must pay the Poinsett Club based upon RSVPs received. 

Our March service project will be a small one for Easter. We will be preparing an Easter basket (or two) for the United Way's "Be a Bunny" for a very special and deserving 4 or 5 year old child at SHARE-Easley Bridge Road Center.

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