Thursday, June 30, 2011

The SCUPA Scoop: Issue 1

Welcome to the South Carolina Upstate Paralegal Association's periodic newsletter.  We will  provide updates on recent happenings and upcoming events so SCUPA members can keep up to date and enjoy all the benefits of membership!

We've had some great speakers so far this year.  For our February luncheon, Dan Garrett of Corporate Intel gave a humorous presentation entitled "How Technology has Changed the Face of Private Investigation" about the vast changes that have taken place in the private investigation field since his first years as an investigator.  The size and bulkiness of the original technology appears cartoonish in comparison to today's cameras and tracking devices. 

Stephanie Lewis of Jackson Lewis LLP and Elizabeth Mann of Greenville Technical College gave an entertaining and informative presentation in March called "Professional Etiquette in Electronic Communication."  They provided great insight and advice on office appropriate conduct when communicating via email and on social networking sites. 

In June, Reed Wilson with Palmetto Technology Group provided a great session entitled "Backup and Disaster Recovery" - an increasingly important topic as we rely on technology more and more.

The social committee threw the year's first event at the Cazbah of Greer on March 25, 2011.  There was a great turnout and great food enjoyed by all.  The next event will be a family event on August 7, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. at the Greenville Drive Stadium.  Those interested in attending may purchase a lawn seat near the playground when they arrive. 

We had our annual March of Dimes walk on April 30, 2011.  Since we did not host a water stand this year, we had a large group of walkers showing SCUPA pride in support of babies!  Congratulations to Logan Ray and Cammie Davenport for designing this year's t-shirt.  They did a great job and the shirts looked great the day of the walk. 

SCUPA raised $2,587.00 which well surpassed our original goal of $1,500.00.  Liz Scharf was the top fundraiser bringing in $376.00.  Congratulations to all contributors as well as Dorothy Huskey and the Pro Bono committee for organizing everything and driving the fundraising!

The Pro Bono committee has decided to postpone the charity cookbook project to allow more time to collect recipes.  If you'd like to contribute any casserole or crock pot recipes, contact Dorothy Huskey at  In the meantime, we are gearing up for our annual school supply drive!  The Pro Bono committee will be sending out details in the coming days.

Our annual seminar is shaping up to be a great one this year.  Mark your calendars for October 7, 2011 at the Embassy Suites in Greenville.  The seminar committee is putting together a great collection of sessions.  We are especially looking forward to having Jack Griffeth provide the keynote address.  Those who have heard Mr. Griffeth speak before know that he will be sure to keep us entertained. 

As a reminder, don't forget to sign up for Working Advantage to save up to 60% on movie tickets, theme park admissions, sporting events, travel, and gift certificates among many other perks.  If you haven't signed up, go to  Further instructions can be found on the members only section of our website. 

Keep checking back here for updates and announcements about upcoming events for the remainder of the year!