Thursday, September 1, 2011

The SCUPA Scoop: Vol. 3

SCUPA’s annual seminar is getting closer and closer!  It’s not too late to register if you haven’t already.  Go to our website at for registration information and the option to pay via PayPal.  Plus the first 50 members get a FREE Paralegals: The Real Power of Attorney shirt.  The seminar has also been approved for 6.75 CLE credits by NALA.  The SC Bar just came through and approved it for 5 CLE credits for attorneys so let your bosses know! 

In addition, remember that SCUPA’s “Paralegals: The Real Power of Attorney” shirts will be on sale at the September luncheon for $10.00.  There are a variety of colors and sizes still available!

Save the date for our annual holiday party at the Brick Street Café on December 10, 2011!   Additional details will be provided by the Social Committee at the September luncheon.  It will be a great opportunity to get to know your fellow members with the added bonus of some awesome food.  Let’s have a great turn out! 

The Social Committee is always looking for new ideas for events.  If anyone has any suggestions, contact Karen Hall or any member of the committee.  Also, feel free to leave comments and suggestions here on the blog and they will be routed to the proper contact.  Any input is greatly appreciated! 

The year is rolling right along and it is about time to start thinking about officer nominations for 2012!  The nomination form will be distributed at the luncheon on September 8, 2011.  If you know someone who would be a great addition to the leadership of SCUPA or if you would like to get more involved, be sure to fill out the nomination form. 

It’s also time for membership renewals!  Existing members who renew between September 1, 2011 and November 30, 2011 are eligible for the reduced rate of $50.00. 

We had another great speaker at the August luncheon.  Corp. Mike Burgess of the South Carolina Highway Patrol’s MAIT division spoke about the program. 

When there is a serious accident in South Carolina, especially involving a fatality, they are often brought in to reconstruct the incident and determine all the facts.  They conduct interviews, prepare forensic maps with survey equipment, interrogate witnesses, and video the accident area.  They also use photogammetry to determine impact speeds and distances and use CAD software to give an accurate representation of a scene. 

Their investigations consist of what occurred immediately prior to the event, what occurred during the event, and what occurred following the event.  They examine both the motor vehicle as well as the environment.  They analyze the vehicles for mechanical failures versus driver error.  If there is a defect with the tires, lights, brakes, or any other major vehicle component, they will find it.  Corp. Burgess advised that approximately 90 percent of serious collisions are the result of driver error or the driver’s failure to maintain equipment.  He advised that many new vehicles come equipped with a ‘black box’ which is proving to be a useful tool.  This box can record speed, whether a seat belt was used, throttle position, braking, and even the position of the driver’s seat pre- and post-collision. 

MAIT officers never stop perfecting their craft.  75 percent of the MAIT team members are certified by The Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR).  They undergo extensive on-going training to be the most effective investigators possible. 

Any law enforcement agency can request a MAIT investigation of a serious collision.  MAIT can provide either a full report of all accident factors or a limited report that examines a few key issues.  The limited report is typically used in civil investigations.  For those of us who handle car accident litigation, a MAIT report could make or break a case. 

At our September luncheon, we are looking forward to hearing from Jada B. Charley, Esquire of South Carolina Legal Services as she discusses “Crossing the Language Barriers.”  Be sure to RSVP to Whitney Horn at by noon on September 6, 2011.  Our meal choices include Trout Amandine, Traditional Cranberry Chicken Salad with fruit, or Vegetable Spaghetti.  Hope to see everyone there! 

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