Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The SCUPA Scoop: Officer Nominations Update from President Melissia G. Ford, CP

Dear Members,

Fall is just around the corner and it is time to begin preparing for 2012. SCUPA's Nomination form for our 2012 Executive Officers was distributed via email to the membership today. Those members who serve on the Board for SCUPA are a vital part of our organization. Each officer should strive to uphold and contribute to SCUPA's mission as an organization. Please take a few moments to nominate any active member(s) for the following officers:


The President shall preside over all Executive Committee meetings and Membership meetings. The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian, an Accountant, and special and standing committee chairmen as provided in these By-Laws. The President shall pass files to his or her successor immediately upon installation and shall cause all other officer and chairmen files to be passed to respective successors. The President shall be an ex-officio (non-voting) member of all committees except the committee on nominations and elections.


The First Vice President shall preside and shall assume all duties assigned to the President in the President's absence. This officer shall automatically be chairman of the committee on education. These duties shall include planning seminars, workshops, and working with NALA in the event of co-sponsorship of any programs. The First Vice President shall also be responsible for fulfilling the educational requirements under Article VIII of these By-Laws and shall report such educational meetings to the NALA Liaison.


The Second Vice President - Membership shall automatically be chairman of the Membership Committee and shall be charged with the responsibility of developing programs to encourage Membership in SCUPA. This officer shall notify applicants of SCUPA meetings until they are approved for Membership. Upon approval of his or her Membership application and payment of dues, this officer shall forward verification of approval and dues to the Treasurer. This officer shall also forward verification of approval to the Secretary. The Second Vice President - Membership shall work with the national counterpart (NALA Second Vice President) to encourage Membership in NALA.


The Second Vice President - Publications shall automatically be chairman of the Publications Committee and shall be charged with the responsibility of producing SCUPA's Publication. This publication shall include, but is not limited to, committee reports and educational articles. The Executive Committee shall determine the number of publications each year.


The Secretary shall be responsible for minutes for all meetings and safekeeping of permanent minutes. This officer shall assist the President in any way including giving notice of meetings. SCUPA minutes of any meeting shall be available to the President and NALA Liaison upon request. The Secretary shall ensure the Treasurer is bonded each year.


The Treasurer shall deposit all funds and make all disbursements, subject to approval of the Executive Committee and as provided in the budget. Any extraordinary expenses must be approved by the Membership before obligation to pay. The Treasurer shall be chairman of the finance committee which committee shall prepare a budget for the ensuing fiscal year which shall be adopted by the Membership. (Budget shall be submitted to the Executive Committee prior to presentation to the Membership.) The Treasurer shall be bonded (premium paid by SCUPA). All disbursements of SCUPA funds must be by SCUPA check, signed by the Treasurer or the President. This office shall submit a written financial report at least quarterly to be attached to the official minutes as part of the permanent record. The Treasurer shall report the Membership annually to NALA with the renewal fee for continued affiliation with NALA.


This officer shall be a NALA member, shall be familiar with the NALA By-Laws and Standing Rules, shall receive minutes of all NALA meetings, and shall represent SCUPA at the NALA annual meeting of affiliated associations. This officer shall report quarterly on SCUPA activities to the NALA Affiliated Associations Director on forms provided by NALA headquarters, and shall report all officers' names to NALA headquarters and the NALA Affiliated Associations Director.
This officer may submit items SCUPA wishes discussed to the NALA Affiliated Associations Director and shall participate in discussion sessions at NALA annual meetings. The NALA Liaison shall submit a report to SCUPA Members on the NALA annual meeting.
This officer shall, within sixty days of passage, notify the NALA Parliamentarian and Affiliated Associations Director of any changes in SCUPA's By-Laws. This officer shall be the main contact between NALA and SCUPA. This officer shall be a member of the governing body of SCUPA.

Melissia G. Ford, CP
President of the SC Upstate Paralegal Association

1 comment:

  1. Please contact Laura Page at LPage@mgclaw.com if you need another copy of the Nomination form.
