Monday, September 19, 2011

The SCUPA Scoop: Vol. 4

Fall is officially here for SCUPA!  If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for our 16th Annual Seminar on October 7th.  Visit our website,, for registration information and the option to pay via PalPal.  The seminar committee has been working hard all year and has lined up a great set of workshops, speakers, and exhibitors.  In addition, NALA has approved the seminar for 6.75 hours of CLE credits and the SC Bar recently approved it for 5 hours of credits for attorneys.  We look forward to seeing everyone there! 

Be sure to renew your membership for 2012 by November 30, 2011 to be eligible for the reduced rate of $50.00! 

SCUPA will be having its annual food drive for Harvest Hope.  More information will be forthcoming, but start checking out your cabinets at home to see what you can spare for the needy of the Upstate area and try to add a few extra items to your shopping cart.  Harvest Hope’s motto is, “Providing for the needs of hungry people by gathering and sharing quality food, with dignity, compassion, and education.”  They served over 2 million people across 20 counties in 2010 alone.  We can all contribute a little something.  Let’s do what we can so they serve even more people in 2011.  For more information about Harvest Hope and the good work they do across the state, visit their website at 

The Social Committee is gearing up for the Holiday Party on December 10th at Brick Street Café.  They distributed Save the Date flyers at the September luncheon.  Be sure to mark your calendars to enjoy some great food and the opportunity to socialize with your fellow members.  

At the September luncheon, Jada B. Charley, Esquire from South Carolina Legal Services  provided a great presentation entitled, “Serving LEP Clients Competently, Ethically, and Uniformly.”  In South Carolina alone, the Hispanic population increased by 147.9% since 2000.  Greenville’s population is 8.1% Hispanic.  South Carolina currently has the fastest growing Hispanic population in the nation.  The need to reach out to and assist these people is only going to increase. 

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal to discriminate against someone based on their national origin.  This includes discriminating against someone who is limited in their ability to speak, read, or write English.  These Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals have a right to meaningful access to federally conducted and federally funded programs and activities. 

In light of this, there is an increasing need for bilingual legal professionals across the state.  As of right now, there are less than 20 Spanish speaking attorneys in South Carolina. 

Ms. Charley impressed the importance of both Bilingual staff and skilled interpreters/translators.  She advised that those who are completely bilingual are fluent in 2 languages and are able to conduct the business of the workplace in either language.  She indicated that there are many people who have some proficiency in a foreign language, but do not have enough knowledge of the language in order to be able to conduct meaningful business.  Quality bilingual staff can be used to ensure broad and meaningful LEP access to representation and federal programs. 

She advised that interpreters must be able to first comprehend 2 languages as they are spoken and written.  They must be able to speak both languages and must be able to choose an expression in the target language which fully conveys and best matches the meaning in the source language.  Translators convey meaning from written text to written text.  Interpreters and translators are subject to specific codes of conduct and should be trained in ethics and the subject matter of their interpretation. 

LEP individuals face increasing difficulties with housing, tax, public benefits, and family law issues.  Ms. Charley provided great insight into the need for quality, experienced bilingual staff and interpreters as the Hispanic population within South Carolina will only continue to grow.  For more information or if you have any questions, you may reach Ms. Charley at 

As a reminder, there is no luncheon during October due to the seminar.  Be sure to check back here periodically for SCUPA updates.  See you at the seminar! 

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